Installation art:“Colorful Rebellion” –Seventh Nightmare-(2014)
The room-sized installation piece that has also been seen around the world.This work released in 2014, was created as a self-portrait on the theme of the Seven Deadly Sins.
“Colorful Rebellion” –Seventh Nightmare-
I have created this work as if I was writing my own autobiography. Struggling in this confined space of confession, I battle with the waves of darkness washing up against me in a night without end. I am not trying to express the grotesque through kawaii elements; rather, the essence of kawaii exists in the process by which individuals are attracted to, and become dependent on, kawaii things. The process by which young girls become adults is full of twists and contortions, potentially resulting in a colorful mutiny. That I have created a safe haven for disobedience perhaps is my most cardinal sin. This installation only has six zones. The seventh? It’s entrusted in your hands. The phrase, Colorful Rebellion, explores the possibility of inciting a revolution using the power of color, in opposition to the modern world as represented by shades of black, grey and camouflage. It originated as a title to a series of two-dimensional panels with three-dimensional motifs embedded into the surface, and represented panoramic scenes from the Harajuku neighborhood of Tokyo as well as the mental imagery of a young girl. However, for my first solo exhibition in New York, I have decided to create a self-portrait as a form, and emblematic, of Colorful Rebellion. The subtitle, Seventh Nightmare, references the Seven Deadly Sins, reflecting upon the various mortal sins I have committed, or to which I have fallen prey, throughout my life thus far.
Sebastian Masuda
Colorful Rebellionとは「反抗的色彩」という意味で、増田セバスチャンは今まで原宿の街の風景画・街に集まる女の子の心象風景を表す作品をこのタイトルで制作してきた。本作では「七つの大罪(Seventh Nightmare)」をテーマに、「自画像」としてのColorful Rebellionを制作。
2014年2/27-3/29にニューヨーク・チェルシーにあるギャラリー「Kianga Ellis Projects」にて開催。3/6から3/9の間はギャラリー内でパフォーマンスを行った。その後、フロリダ「Young At Art Museum」、2015年にイタリア・ミラノ「Tokyo Design Week」で展示され、東京・寺田倉庫での個展「TRUE COLORS」で凱旋。2018年からオランダ・アムステルダム「Tropenmuseum」の「COLOPHON COOL JAPAN」にも展示されている。
・Kianga Ellis Projects, NewYork February.28 2014 – March.29 2014
・Young At Art Museum, Miami July.12 2014 – January.5 2015
・Padiglione Visconti, Italy April 14th 2015 – April 19th 2015
・Terrada T-Art Gallery, Tokyo December 18 – 27, 2015
・Tropenmuseum , Amsterdam September 28 2018 – 1 September 2019