THE ドラえもん展 OSAKA 2019開催

THE ドラえもん展 大阪会場の展示がスタートしました。

THE ドラえもん展 OSAKA 2019

開催日程:2019年7月12日(金)~9月23日(月・祝) 74日間 ※会期中無休
(〒552-0022 大阪府大阪市港区海岸通1丁目5-10)
開館時間 10:00〜17:00 ※入館は閉館の30分前まで
入館料(税込)一般1,500円(前売1,300円)/中・高校生 1,200円(前売1,000円)


主催:THEドラえもん展 OSAKA 2019 実行委員会
協賛:カルチュア・エンタテインメント 積水ハウス株式会社

お問合わせ:ハローダイヤル TEL:050-5542-8600 (年中無休:8:00~22:00)

The Doraemon Exhibition Osaka 2019
Friday, July 12, 2019 ~ September 23 (Monday · Holiday) 74 days *Open every day during the exhibition period.
“Create Your Own Original Doraemon,” Organized under this concept, 28 artists and groups will be presenting their unique art pieces capturing memories of Doraemon at the exhibition in Niigata, March 2020. Since its birth in 1970, Doraemon has been capturing the imagination of audiences across Japan. There is also a great number of Doraemon fans among globally renowned artists who have been touched and inspired by Doraemon. How exciting it is to see these artists expressing their feelings and memories of Doraemon through their work? The exhibition invites you to share the special moment when“art”and“Doraemon”come together.