9/15-10/29 Art Festival [GO FOR KOGEI 2023]
Sebastian Masuda exhibits his work at “GO FOR KOGEI2023,” an art festival to be held in Toyama Prefecture from 9/14-10/29, in the Nakajima Locks area, one of three exhibition areas, at a former cab company called “Dentaku. Nakajima Locks is located halfway between Kansui Park, the beginning of the Toyama Canal, and Iwase, the end of the canal.
Sebastian Masuda
[Polychromatic Skin -Gender Tower- #Hokuriku]
H5,750mm × W1,585mm
Mixed media
Beneath our skin runs colorful blood – A colorful tower appears in the Nakajima lock area, where nature and man-made structures are in harmony. Countless unique colors confront each other in a space surrounded by trees and water in Toyama Prefecture, The myriad of unique colors confront each other in a space surrounded by trees and water in Toyama Prefecture, showing us how to jump over the barriers of race, religion, age, gender, national borders, and so on.
Architectural design: Hidefumi Terada (tamari architects)
Cooperation for artwork: BRAVO Co., Ltd, Toyama Prefecture Forestry Policy Division, Toyama Prefecture Lumber Supply and Demand Center, Chumoku Co., Ltd , Hasegawa Architects, Nagahara Painting, Toyama Prefecture Federation of Forestry Cooperatives, Japan Agency Co., Ltd
Production: Sebastian Masuda Studio / Lovelies Lab. Studio
Go for Kogei 2023 Hokuriku Crafts Festival
Material Imagination and Etiological Narrative—Material, Data, Fantasy
Dates: Friday, September 15th−Sunday, October 29th, 2023
Hours: 10:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m. (Last admission is 4:00 p.m.)
Multiple venues along the Fugan Canal, Toyama, Toyama Prefecture
Sebastian’s artwork at “Dentaku” in Nakajima Lock Area.
9/14-10/29に富山県で開催される北陸工芸、現代美術、アール・ブリュットの芸術祭「GO FOR KOGEI 2023」に増田セバスチャンが参加しています。
作品名:Polychromatic Skin -Gender Tower- #北陸
サイズ:H5,750mm × W1,585mm
設計:寺田英史 (tamari architects)
作品協力:株式会社BRAVO、富山県農林水産部 森林政策課、とやま県産材需給センター、チューモク株式会社、長谷川建築、永原塗装、富山県森林組合連合会、日本エージェンシー
制作:Sebastian Masuda Studio / Lovelies Lab. Studio
開館時間:10:00〜16:30 ※入場は閉場の30分前まで
休館日:樂翠亭美術館(⽔)、富⼭県美術館(⽔、9月19日)、KOBO Brew Pub(⽕)ほかは会期中無休 ※なお臨時休館・開館する場合あり。詳細は公式サイト等を確認のこと
料金(ガイドブック付き):⼀般 2500円 / ⾼校⽣ 1500円
詳細: https://goforkogei.com/