11/18-1/10 Exhibition “Junichi Nakahara in the 111th year”
Sebastian Masuda contributed to the retrospective exhibition of Junichi Nakahara, the origin of KAWAII culture and a driving force behind Japan’s postwar girl culture, “111 Years of Junichi Nakahara” and its catalog. The exhibition is scheduled to tour throughout Japan.
KAWAII文化の源流・日本の戦後少女文化を牽引した中原淳一氏の回顧展「111年目の中原淳一展」と図録に増田セバスチャンが寄稿させていただきました。11月18日から横浜 そごう美術館で開催。以降全国巡回予定です。
“111 Years of Junichi Nakahara”
Something that never gets old.
-isn’t that rather the most “new” thing of all?
Life is not the length of a skirt.
To commemorate the 111th anniversary of the birth of Junichi Nakahara (1913-1983), who pursued “true beauty and richness” and was overwhelmingly supported by women from the prewar to the postwar period, we will hold an exhibition titled “111 Years Nakahara Junichi Exhibition.
Nakahara’s diverse activities went far beyond the realms of fashion design, interior design, magazine editing, and illustration, and he could be called a multi-creator.
While focusing on Nakahara’s magazine work, including original cover art and style drawings for Soreiyu, Himawari, and Onna’s Room by Nakahara, this exhibition introduces the full range of what Nakahara expressed through his work, including dolls, clothing, yukata, kimono, obi, and more.
We hope you will enjoy the charm of Nakahara’s work, which has not faded even a little and continues to shine brightly even in its 111th year.
Dates: Saturday, November 18, 2023 – Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Venue: Sogo Museum of Art, 2-18-1 Takashima, Nishi-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. *Entry until 30 minutes before closing. Admission until 30 minutes before closing. *Close at 6:00 p.m. on December 31 (Sun.) and January 1 (Mon.). *Subject to change according to the opening hours of Sogo Yokohama Store.
Closed: Open daily during the exhibition period
Admission: Adults 1,400 yen, University and high school students 1,200 yen, Junior high school students and younger free
Sogo Art Museum official website] https://www.sogo-seibu.jp/common/museum/
会場:そごう美術館 住所 神奈川県横浜市西区高島2-18-1 そごう横浜店
時間:午前10時~午後8時 *入館は閉館の30分前まで。 *12月31日(日)、1月1日(月・祝)は午後6時閉館。 *そごう横浜店の営業時間に準じ、変更になる場合がございます。
入館料:一般1,400(1,200)円、大学・高校生1,200(1,000)円、中学生以下無料 *( )内は、前売および以下をご提示の方の料金です。 [クラブ・オン/ミレニアムカード、クラブ・オン/ミレニアム アプリ] *障がい者手帳各種をお持ちの方、およびご同伴者1名さまは無料にてご入館いただけます。
【そごう美術館 公式サイト】 https://www.sogo-seibu.jp/common/museum/