THE ドラえもん展 NIIGATA(新潟)開催決定

2019年夏の大阪に続き、2020年3/20からTHE ドラえもん展 NIIGATA(新潟)が開催決定。

THE ドラえもん展 NIIGATA 2020
【会  期】2020年3月20日(金・祝)~5月17日(日)
【会  場】新潟県立万代島美術館
(〒950-0078 新潟市中央区万代島5-1 朱鷺メッセ内 万代島ビル5階)
【主  催】新潟県立万代島美術館/UX新潟テレビ21/THEドラえもん展NIIGATA 2020実行委員会
【企画・制作】THE ドラえもん展TOKYO 2017実行委員会
※( )内は有料20名様以上の団体料金。 ※中学生以下は無料。
THE ドラえもん展 ウェブサイト


The Doraemon Exhibition Niigata 2020
March 20- May 17, 2020
“Create Your Own Original Doraemon,” Organized under this concept, 28 artists and groups will be presenting their unique art pieces capturing memories of Doraemon at the exhibition in Niigata, March 2020. Since its birth in 1970, Doraemon has been capturing the imagination of audiences across Japan. There is also a great number of Doraemon fans among globally renowned artists who have been touched and inspired by Doraemon. How exciting it is to see these artists expressing their feelings and memories of Doraemon through their work? The exhibition invites you to share the special moment when“art”and“Doraemon”come together.